Friday, March 22, 2013

Social Stories and Video Modeling

Social Stories and Video Modeling Blog                         March 20, 2013

Social Stories is a method created by Carol Gray that teaches a skill, concept or behaviour in a very specific format. It supports students who may have social, behavioural or communication challenges. The goal of this method is to increase the student’s understanding of a specific social situation and develop skills, attitudes and tools for more appropriate behaviour. The story is created with a specific behaviour in mind in a specific social situation, using developmentally appropriate, clear language that is easily understood by the student. As a result of an effective social story, the student will increase and improve their understanding of events and expectations by using more effective and acceptable responses.

Video modeling is a method of teaching that uses video recording to teach expected or desired behaviours to students with communication/social/behavioural challenges. Types of video modeling include basic video modeling, video self-modeling, point-of-view video modeling, and video prompting. Basic video modeling involves recording someone other than the learner engaging in the target behavior or skill. The video is then viewed by the learner at their own pace, repeating clips if desired. Video self-modeling is used to record the learner displaying the target skill or behavior and is reviewed later. Point-of-view video modeling is when the target behavior or skill is recorded from the perspective of the learner. Video prompting involves breaking the behavior skill into steps and recording each step with deliberate pauses during which the learner can practice the step before viewing the remaining steps. Video prompting may be done with either the learner or someone else acting as a model.

Target behaviours can include:

·         positive social interaction

·         academic and functional skills

·         communication skills

·         daily living skills

·         play skills

·         social initiations

·         perception of emotion

·         spontaneous requests

·         perspective taking

Video modeling’s many advantages include the high appeal factor for all students and in particular ASD students who often cannot make direct eye contact needed in a typical learning environment, These videos can be produced relatively inexpensively, tailor-made and can be viewed repeatedly as needed. They are highly motivating and are powerful tools for autistic students who respond so well to visual cues.  I have an ongoing list of video modeling apps on my Pinterest board. Check it out!


Evidence Based Practice: Video Modeling

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your link to and information on Pinterest. I especially appreciate that you have broken down the AAC details by price and symbols or text to speech plus the social story apps.

    For our case study assignment, I have been working very closely with the Learning Center teacher and SLP so have been sharing with them some of the information from the course. I will definitely be going back to your pinterest page because of supporting students with autism information there. The learning center teacher has continued to write out social stories, I will be adding your app suggestions to the ones that I have already given to her.
